MD-based artist Sarah Mills
Pokémonathon - complete collection of all Pokémon sticker designs.
Stickers - Holographic vinyl & matte paper stickers available, in addition to sticker blind bags!
Prints - Prints in 4 sizes.
Shirts - Limited edition shirt designs.
Digital & traditional commissions done at the table.
Art of Sarah Mills
Pokémonathon Sticker & Print Collection
Every single Pokémon designed as a sticker. Build your team a-la-carte, or buy a blind “Nuzlocke” bag for a 10% chance at a shiny, holographic vinyl sticker! Designs also available in per-generation poster form.

Prints Large & Small
Ever-updating selection of both original and fan-works, offered in sizes 11x17” down to 5x7”.

Digital & traditional commissions done at the table, if time allows! My favorites are D&D characters, though I accept pets and real-person likenesses as well.
In love doing “merch” commissions - art designed to end up as a keychain or sticker, or “your D&D character themed” tiling patterns for apparel or home goods.